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Signatures Policies 

Increase taxes on the rich: As depicted through my various, important education policies, it is evident that an increase in government funding towards education will be necessary. There are many areas that money can be pulled from, many areas of unnecessary government spending. However, in addition to this redirection of money flow in the government, I believe that creating slightly higher taxes on the rich will greatly benefit the people. Considering that these rich people have millions and billions of dollars, a small cut from their extensive yearly income will be practically unnoticeable to them and will go towards supporting the future of our great nation.

 I am also in support of fairs that are career and college themed. You may be asking yourself: how are some silly fairs going to accomplish anything? Through encouraging current members of the working class to present their work, they are not only being compensated, but they are inspiring the youth of our nation. Many times, the lack of access to opportunity in impoverished areas causes lack of involvement in exploring future careers (which then leads to homelessness and reliance on illegal or governmental sources of money for survival). This extremely detrimental effect of capitalism (and even other factors such as redlining) will not be overcome by some fairs, but can be extinguished over time through the incorporation of similar events.

Educational Policies 


Amanda Davis supports a universal preschool program which would put every child in a government-funded preschool for the two years leading up to their Kindergarten year. This universal preschool program will work to eliminate economic disparities from the very beginning of a child’s education. Preschool is essential to childrens’ social development and educational skills, and this policy would allow every child in America to access those benefits no matter their family’s ability to afford preschool.


Community College:

Amanda Davis supports two years of free community college for every American who would like to go to community college. These funds cannot be transferred to any school besides a designated community college. This legislation would allow those who could not afford to go to a four year college, or just wants to transition to a four year college, to do so without worrying about costs. Therefore, community college students would only be concerned with improving their educational experience.


Student Loans:

Amanda Davis supports eliminating $15,000 of student loan debt for any former college student, including those who started/completed university after the free university legislation will be implemented, yet still have student loans. This will help former college students transition into the workforce and society faster and with less economic stress. Eliminating some student loans will also make people with student loan debt more productive workers and therefore strengthen our economy and workforce. In addition, cancelling some student loans will encourage more students to go to and complete college, knowing that there will not be as much economic stress as a result of their studies.


Teacher Pay:

Amanda Davis supports creating a national minimum annual full-time public school teacher salary of $60,000. This will help ensure that teachers who come from districts who do not fairly pay teachers will be motivated to continue their valuable work for their communities. Studies show that a 10% increase in teacher salaries lead to 5-10% increase in student performance. Teachers serve the most valuable roles in our communities, and shape the next generation of doctors, lawyers, firefighters, military officers, and politicians. They deserve to be fairly compensated for their hard work.

Healthcare Policy 

Health Insurance 

For too long, too many of you have been putting healthcare aside to be able to pay for necessities such as food and clothes. Amanda Davis will support you, and all the people that go unheard who need help. She believes in healthcare for all, but not medicare for all. Davis supports medicaid for the people who need it and private for the people who like their private healthcare. If you are currently with a private healthcare company and want to have medicaid instead, you can. This policy will allow the American people to have the freedom to choose what type of healthcare works best for them and their families, yet still give every American access to healthcare, which we believe is a human right.


Pre-existing conditions:

Amanda Davis supports mandating that all insurance covers all pre existing conditions. Covering pre-existing conditions is essential as a part of our healthcare plan because people with pre-existing conditions have long been discriminated against in the healthcare industry, and that will come to an end once Amanda Davis is president.


Vaccine mandates:

Amanda Davis does not support vaccine mandates, because she understands that people have legitimate reasons to not get vaccinated. However, getting vaccinated is the safest way to end the pandemic, and Amanda highly encourages getting vaccinated. Public places or events with large capacities should only be available to those who have been vaccinated or go through weekly testing.


Mask mandates:

Amanda Davis supports mask mandates in public schools and on public transportation for the time being, however, in private businesses and in outdoor places, companies and local jurisdictions will be given the freedom to make their own choices. Davis believes that if a company does not want to mandate masks in their business, it is their choice, and people can choose whether to patronize their business based on their own beliefs.

Environmental Policy  

Climate change:

Amanda Davis believes that climate change is a major problem facing our nation. Davis supports investing into our renewable energy future.


Wildfire prevention:

Amanda Davis supports tripling the wildfire prevention funding in order to afford more first-responders and fix evacuation plans, especially for low income communities.


Clean air and water:

Amanda Davis supports tripling the investment into clean air and water initiatives. We saw the tragedy of what happened in Flint with contaminated water, and we can never allow anything like that to happen again, in Flint or anywhere in the United States. Everyone in America will have the right to clean air and clean water under an Amanda Davis administration.

Tax Policy 

Taxes on the rich: 

As depicted through my various, important education policies, it is evident that an increase in government funding towards education will be necessary. There are many areas that money can be pulled from, many areas of unnecessary government spending. However, in addition to this redirection of money flow in the government, I believe that 

creating slightly higher taxes on the rich will greatly benefit the people. Considering that these rich people have millions and billions of dollars, a small cut from their extensive yearly income will be practically unnoticeable to them and will go towards supporting the future of our great nation. In a way, putting governmental money and tax money towards education, closing the opportunity gap, and supporting the working class will actually DECREASE the amount of governmental money needed to support lower class areas over time. A more educated nation is a richer nation.


Income tax rates:

Amanda Davis supports decreasing income taxes for the first three income tax brackets (anyone making under $86,375). Decreasing taxes for lower and middle income Americans will allow those Americans to have more of their hard earned money in their pocket, and allow them to fend for themselves. Nobody wants to rely on the government for basic necessities, and if these lower and middle income individuals can use more of their own money for necessities, it gives them more freedom and takes the government out of the equation. 


Carbon emissions tax:

Amanda supports creating a carbon emissions tax of $60 per metric ton of carbon emissions produced by a company. This tax will create government revenue and hold companies accountable for the harm they do to the environment. Though the right wing would have you think this is attacking companies for just being companies, it is not. This tax encourages companies to do the right thing. If they do not emit carbon, they will not have to pay the tax.


Corporate Tax:

Amanda supports increasing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 25%. During the time after the 2008 recession, the corporate tax rate was 27.7% and the economy was steadily growing, proving that a 25% corporate tax rate will not be harmful to the economy. 

Foreign Policy

Immigration and Illegal Immigration Policy: 

Immigrants are a huge part of the working class in the United States, greatly benefiting the economy and society as a whole. At the same time, the law must be respected, and continuing to be lenient with illegal immigration must not endure. I propose immigration reform, which has proven unsuccessful with previous presidents and candidates. Instead of focussing energy towards illegal immigrants already working in the United States, we must evaluate why they chose to immigrate illegally in the first place. My mother is an immigrant from Lebanon, and it took her over 13 years to achieve citizenship in the US after going through the entire process legally. It should not be this hard for work-oriented people to immigrate to our country. Let’s strengthen our borders, create an easier immigration process, and support all immigrants currently working in and for our nation.


‘Buy American’ Policy:

For years the United States has heavily relied on other nations for manufactured goods. This has not only hurt our own economy, but it has stolen job opportunities from those willing to work in America. I propose a more nationalist stance on international policy. Though we will support foreign nations when it works towards our common good, we need to make sure that we are energy independent, and are not outsourcing our American manufacturing jobs to China and other countries overseas. That is why Amanda Davis proposes the ‘Buy American’ campaign which over the course of the first four years of her presidency, will make at least 90% of the goods that are bought and sold by companies and people in America, American made.


China, Russia, and North Korea:

We will be tough on China and Russia, and we will fight against North Korea and communism. Too many modern day presidents have been soft on China and Russia, and that will not be the Amanda Davis administration. We will hold China responsible for the human rights abuses suffered by the Uigher Muslims. We will fight against the murderous leader of Russia, who poisons his political opponents and is against the common good for even his own people. And we will fight against Kim Jong-Un and his ballistic missile launches which threaten harm to Alaska, Hawaii, and the west coast states.

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